Welcome to the Jensen Lab
Our team of engineers and scientists tackle infectious diseases. We use robotics, genomics, and computation to accelerate microbiology and design new therapies.
- November 2024: Our lab received funding from DARPA to build AI agents that learn the functions of unannotated genes.
- October 2024: Grad student Vasu Rao receives a Tony B Academic Travel Award to attend SLAS 2025.
- May 2024: Grad students Vasu Rao, Noelle Toong, and Ben David received an Outstanding Poster Award at the Midwest Microbiome Symposium.
- May 2024: Grad student Ben David receives a poster award at the BME Symposium.
- April 2024: Austen Bloembergen joins the lab as an undergraduate on our automation team.
- April 2024: Vasu Rao defended his Masters thesis and was accepted to UM’s BME PhD program.
- March 2024: Grad student Ben David receives a Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship.
- February 2024: Undergraduate Walker Rickord was named a Knight of St. Patrick at UIUC.
- December 2023: Our lab received new funding from the NSF to build self-driving labs and mechanistic models.
- October 2023: Our lab presents five posters and a talk at the BMES Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA.
- September 2023: Our lab received an NIGMS Equipment Supplement to purchase a BioTek Cytation 10
automated confocal imaging plate reader.
- August 2023: Deepthi, Ben, Noelle, Kurt, and Noah passed their qualifying exams and
advanced to candidacy.
- July 2023: Our lab received a START grant from Michigan Engineering
to optimize riboflavin production in streptococci.